Back to the Garden

God desires relationship with you. YOU. This free 12-lesson course will draw you back to the garden, to intimacy with the very one who created you. A meaningful, fulfilling relationship with God is waiting.

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Because of misconceptions I had of God, I always had trouble with connecting with Him. With Braveheart, I learned to stop hiding from Him because I saw who He is more clearly, and it's improved my life immensely.

The Bible does not say the Gospel has the power of God, it does not say it will connect you to the power of God, it says the gospel IS THE POWER OF GOD to save people!

Alzavian J.

What to expect...

Whether you journey through this course on your own, with a friend or with a group, Back to the Garden is for those who want to renew the meaning and closeness in their walk with God.

  • Developing a right perspective of God, his nature and his desires for you
Opening the door for union with God

  • Renewing your mind to the glory of God

  • Experiencing the majesty of the gospel and allowing it to lead your heart and life

  • Gaining true understanding of Jesus’ redemption of you

  • Growing into Christlikeness
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