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You Have A Heavenly Father

August 10, 2022

Many believers are walking as orphans and widows because they don't live with a daily connection with their Father and Husband -Jesus. In this episode, Peter shares the Father heart of God and what it looks like to live life aware of this reality.

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Communion Revival

August 3, 2022

Many of our divisions and problems that we are facing as the Church are because we have strayed from the simplicity of the Gospel. It is time for us to come back to the simplicity of the body and the blood of Jesus that was broken for us and to proclaim it to the hurting, broken and dying world around us.

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Bishop T.D. Jakes Interview - Marriage and Relationships

July 27, 2022

In this episode Peter and Bishop T.D. Jakes sit down and talk about Bishop's book "Crushing" This is part 3 of a 3 part series that was posted in 2019. You can find the original podcasts by searching "Braveheart Podcast Bishop T.D. Jakes" We hope you enjoy - Be brave!

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July 22, 2022

I’m calling 318 men and women to join me for the next year to be trained to put on Christ and to go into our nation with this ministry of reconciliation. Me and my team will take you through an intense, 3 month training program that will establish you in your faith, equip you to preach the gospel and empower you to walk like Christ.

For more info and to apply:

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Bishop T.D. Jakes Interview - Understanding the Will Of God Through Crushing

July 20, 2022

In this episode Peter and Bishop T.D. Jakes sit down and talk about Bishop's book "Crushing" This is part 2 of a 3 part series that was posted in 2019. You can find the original podcasts by searching "Braveheart Podcast Bishop T.D. Jakes" We hope you enjoy - Be brave!

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Committing Adultery With Jesus

July 13, 2022

Do you fell like you are never doing enough in your relationship with Jesus? It's impossible to have a guilt-free relationship with Jesus if you're married to the law. In this episode, Peter goes through Romans 7 and discusses how Jesus gave us freedom from the law and enabled us to live our lives in union with Him instead. This union empowers us to live from His grace in constant connection with Him.

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Bishop T.D. Jakes Interview - Crushing

July 6, 2022

In this episode Peter and Bishop T.D. Jakes sit down and talk about Bishop's book "Crushing" This is part 1 of a 3 part series that was posted in 2019. You can find the original podcasts by searching "Braveheart Podcast Bishop T.D. Jakes" We hope you enjoy - Be brave!

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Keeping The Blood Warm

June 29, 2022

As believers, we begin to succumb to numbness, apathy, and unbelief when we forget the precious blood of Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice. Our circumstances pull at our attention, and we begin to exalt that which we are facing more than the death of our Lord. In this episode, Peter speaks boldly upon the importance of setting the eyes of our hearts on the humbling reality of Jesus’ death and allowing it to deeply impact us day and night. Once our hearts are kept set on His sacrifice, we become aware of the Father’s unconditional love that He lavished upon us through His Son. We pray you receive grace as you look to Jesus – Be brave!

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The Mountain and The Table

June 22, 2022

Many times we as Christians are looking to encounter God on the mountain tops of life and we miss Him in the simplicity of communing at the table. In this episode, Peter shares how Jesus meets us at both the mountaintop and at the table. If we don't learn to value both of these places and recognize Jesus at each of them, we begin to limit the ways in which we allow Jesus to speak to us. We hope you enjoy this episode! Be Brave!

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The Supply Chain Of Grace

June 15, 2022

We all have a desire to become more and more like Jesus in every aspect of our lives, but we often find ourselves struggling to access His power - which is His grace. If we don't access this grace, we will live our lives stuck in sin and never being intimate with God. In this episode, Peter lays out the supply chain of grace that Jesus is offering us and unpacks how it affects every aspect of our lives.

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What I Mean When I Say "The Gospel"

June 8, 2022

Did you know the gospel story is still unfolding? The gospel is not just the good news of what Jesus did, but the good news of what He is yet to do upon His return. If we don't get this, it leaves us with a small gospel that leaves us with small power. In this episode Peter talks about the true majesty of the Gospel with it's complete saving power.

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Dealing With Sin

June 1, 2022

Do you feel near to God when you're "doing good" and far from Him when you're "doing bad." This is a clear sign that we are still relating to God according to the old covenant law and not according to the cross. It is imperative that we know and understand God’s heart and posture towards us regarding sin. In this episode, Peter dives into the new covenant and God’s unchanging posture towards us that empowers us to be near to Him and be transformed by His grace.

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Heavenly Perspective

May 25, 2022

Have you ever wondered what God's perspective of the Gospel is? So often the only parts of the Gospel that we know are the parts that benefit us. This puts us in the center of the Gospel and in turn makes it all about us. In this episode, Peter gives a heavenly perspective of the Gospel and restores Jesus back at the center of the message and our hearts.

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Gospel Firehose

May 18, 2022

Did you know the Gospel starts before the New Testament? Many believers think that the old testament passed away with the old covenant. If we believe this, we miss the shadows of Jesus and foundation for the new covenant and what we believe. In this episode, Peter shows the Gospel thread and the goodness of God through the old testament. Once we see Jesus in the old testament, our faith is strengthened and we can walk with confidence in what He did on the cross.

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From Now On

May 11, 2022

Do other people's actions cause you to walk in the flesh? If this is the case, it is a clear sign that you are regarding them according to the flesh and not according to the spirit. In this episode, Peter unpacks what it truly means that we are new creations in Christ and how it allows us to truly overflow with love for those around us.

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