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Proclaim His Death - South Africa

November 23, 2022

This past summer, God called Peter and Kristi back to South Africa with their family where they held their first Come to the Table event. Peter teaches out of 1 Corinthians 11 on how we proclaim the Lord's death until He comes.

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The Outcome of Faith - Fruit

November 16, 2022

Week 12 of "The Garden" series

Jesus said, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” (
John 15:8) Many of us desire to bring God glory with our lives, but as we now see, abiding in the Vine, living in experiential union with Christ requires our lives to be washed and immersed in the glorious Gospel. Bearing good, kingdom fruit is the result of our union with Christ and it is through this abiding that we will finally be able to do things that please our Father.

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The Outcome of Faith - Union

November 9, 2022

Week 11 of "The Garden" series

When we discover that God intended for our salvation, sanctification, glorification and maturity into the likeness of Christ rests upon a continual invitation to be joined, experientially, with the works of Jesus on our behalf…the Christian life will become the extravagant, joy-filled adventure it was always meant to be!

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The Outcome of Faith - Righteousness

November 1, 2022

Week 10 of "the Garden" series

Salvation and righteousness are two sides of the coin called GRACE. One liberates, the other deifies*. Union with God is the purpose, the highest revelation of the Gospel. Complete, unhindered union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Naked and unashamed in His presence, confident in His Return and steadfast in his love. This union can only be accomplished through salvation and righteousness. These two are necessary in order to experience a real, living union with God.

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The Outcome of Faith - Salvation

October 26, 2022

Week 9 of "The Garden" series

Salvation is not an idea or a sentiment in the Christian faith…it is the experiential reality of having been delivered and liberated from the effects of sin, sickness and death through the works of Jesus Christ. It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free and the purpose of this lesson is to build your faith and to provide an indisputable biblical framework for a true, God-sized salvation!

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The Outcome of Faith - Grace

October 19, 2022

Week 8 of "The Garden" series

We are saved by grace, through faith. Our salvation is past, present and future tense. I believe in the church today we have a grace problem. Grace is not just connected to Jesus’ work as Messiah, but it also flows from the other two works. The gospel of grace is needed more than ever!

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Revelation Of Jesus as Our Bridegroom

October 12, 2022

Week 7 of "The Garden Series"

Our salvation is past, present and future. This triune salvation is connected to the triune promise of the Father concerning the triune works of Jesus providing us with a triune grace! Here we will examine the final promise, the consummation of his saving work that is an event yet to come. But how do we engage with a future salvation? Hope!

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Revelation Of Jesus As High Priest

October 5, 2022

Week 6 of "The Garden" series

Jesus ascends to the right hand of the Father, enters into the Holy Place, heaven itself, by the means of his own blood. He lives forever by the power of an indestructible life and has become our High Priest who lives to make intercession for those who draw near to God. He received the Holy Spirit from the Father with the authority to baptize humanity, not with water or blood but with the precious Holy Spirit. His life now sanctifies us through the Spirit.

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Revelation Of Jesus As Messiah

September 28, 2022

Week 5 of "The Garden" series


Jesus’ work as Messiah is what initiates our salvation. We are immediately, once and for all saved from the penalty of death through this work. Having our sins forgiven, we identify with the death of Jesus and are raised to newness of life. This awakens our once dead spirit and we become alive to God once again. Our spiritual death is reversed through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

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God's Promises To Israel

September 21, 2022

Week 4 of "The Garden" series

God starts a family in the midst of a dark, corrupt world and begins to shed light on his marvelous plan of redemption. Through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) God would start a family and make three distinct promises to the world concerning His Son, Jesus.

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The Consequences

September 14, 2022

Week 3 of "The Garden " series

The consequences of the fall of man on humanity spread like a virus from the spirit of man, into the soul and ultimately conquering the human body with death. Understanding the progression of sin and how it produced death in mankind will give us greater insight and understanding of our redemption and salvation.

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The Fall

September 7, 2022

Week 2 of "The Garden " series

What really happened in the fall? How did the separation between God and man play out after Adam and Eve were deceived by the Serpent and ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

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The Garden

August 31, 2022

Week 1 of "The Garden " Series

The Garden is about that place of unashamed intimacy and fellowship with God. Before mankind ever sinned, he enjoyed fellowship and connection with his Creator. This study begins with the Garden because this is what we are all journeying towards…the heart of God.

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There Is a Message In The Meal

August 24, 2022

The body and blood of Jesus are speaking to us. This is what they're saying.

Check out our newest website with Come To The Table events and news:

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Take Heart

August 17, 2022

If we lose sight of the truth we will easily be distracted and our faith will be hindered. In this episode, Peter reminds us that Christ is in us and that because of this truth, we can take heart and overcome.

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