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Kingdom Threads

May 4, 2022

Many Christians understand that they are forgiven of their sins, but they don’t understand the righteousness that Jesus gave them. If we don't understand the righteousness that Jesus gave us on the cross, we feel out of place in the presence of God and we will never be truly intimate with Him. In this episode, Peter unpacks the gift of righteousness and how it gives us a clean conscience and allows us to walk in true fellowship with God.

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Christ In You

April 27, 2022

If we don’t understand the New Covenant, it will be impossible to cultivate intimacy with God. If this is the case, we often try in our own strength to earn nearness to Christ not realizing that it is only possible through His work on the cross. The offense and mystery of the Gospel is that Christ is in you and has given Himself freely to you when you least deserved it! When we meditate on the truth that Christ is in us, the Christian life becomes a joy as we begin living from union with Christ and overflowing with love for those around us.

Follow this link for Peter's new book:
Now That You Are Born Again

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Now That You Are Born Again

April 20, 2022

If you don't understand God's perfect design for spiritual growth, you will not grow up into your salvation! And if you're not growing up, you will wander around in Christianity confused, frustrated and stuck in your sin. In this episode Peter talks about his new book "Now That You Are Born Again" and discusses how simple it truly is to grow up into Christlikeness.

Purchase the book here

And check out the book's website

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A Conversation With Todd White

April 13, 2022

Peter and Todd White sit down and share what they see the Lord doing in the nations, as well as some key aspects of the Gospel that we need to keep in front of us in the times to come.

If the Lord is using Braveheart to impact you, send us an email with your testimony at: "" or reach out to us on social media.

We love you! Be brave!

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The Reward Of The Lamb (A Conversation With Wade Aaron)

April 6, 2022

In this episode, Wesley sits down with Wade Aaron and they discuss Wade's new book and course "The Reward of The Lamb" which is designed to give you a foundation of personal identity with God, and then challenge you to love those around you like Jesus does through evangelism and sharing our faith.

Purchase the book here:

And check out Wade's website and sign up for the video course here:

Love y'all!

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Receiving Unto Reigning

March 29, 2022

Did you know you were created to reign in life?! What does that mean? It means you were created to have dominion over sin and all of its effects on humanity. That's some good news! Most Christian either don't know this is possible, or they think it can only happen in their own strength. In this episode, Peter gives a biblical foundation for how we can rule over sin through Jesus' work on the cross and experience the freedom from sin and confidence with God that Jesus died for. We hope you enjoy and use this as an invitation to step deeper into the freedom of the Gospel.

Check out the amazing resources on our website:

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A Salvation That Grows

March 22, 2022

Our growth as believers and the fruit that is produced in our lives is not dependent upon our ability to follow a system of do’s and don’ts. If we try to make it about do’s and don’ts we will ultimately try to strive our way into fruit. Rather, we are called to abide in the love of Jesus and receive the grace of God according to His design for those that are born again. In this episode, Peter unpacks the powerful design of God for believers, reminds us of our new nature in Christ, and equips us with the essentials needed to truly grow up into salvation. We pray this encourages your faith - be brave!

We're excited about Peter's new book, "Now That You're Born Again" being released on Easter Sunday! It talks more in depth about the things discussed in this episode and we hope you check it out.

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God's Design for Spiritual Growth

March 15, 2022

If we don't understand God's design for spiritual growth we will try in our flesh to grow in the Spirit and we'll end up burned out, feeling distant from God, and still not maturing in our faith. In this episode, Peter walks us through God's beautiful design for spiritual growth that flows from rest and produces a steadfast faith and maturity in Christ. We hope you enjoy it!

Be on the look out for Peter's new book: "Now That You're Born Again" being released on Easter Sunday!

Love you! Be Brave!

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The Simplicity Of Walking In The Spirit

March 9, 2022

Most Christians are unclear what it means to walk in the Spirit even though so much of the new covenant hinges on it. If we don’t grasp this, we will live our lives in bondage to sin and never free from our flesh and the law. In this episode, Peter gives two simple, practical steps that will propel us into walking in the Spirit.

We hope you join us in the 40 Day Jesus fast and communion revival. Here are a the Keep The Blood Warm Links.

Keep The Blood Warm Course:

Keep The Blood Warm Book:

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Born Of God

March 2, 2022

Many believers really don’t know what it means to be born of God so we spend our lives trying to earn what Jesus already gave us. This leaves us feeling condemned and distant from God because we can never do enough to earn what only He can give us. In this episode, Peter walks through what it means to be born of God and explains how we can live our lives from our true righteous nature.

We hope you join us in the 40 Day Jesus fast and communion revival. Here are a the Keep The Blood Warm Links.

Keep The Blood Warm Course:

Keep The Blood Warm Book:

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Stewarding a Move of God (w/ Roman Trachuk)

February 23, 2022

Revivals and moves of God aren't meant to die out. This only happens when we start pursuing the wrong things and lose focus of Jesus. In this episode, Peter talks with Roman Trachuk about how to faithfully steward a move of God and shares some key values that have guided the leadership of UPPERROOM over the years.

Check out the Braveheart resources that are designed to awaken your heart to communion with God and help you grow up into christlikeness.

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Are You in The Flesh?

February 16, 2022

Many of us struggle to have faith for what the Lord is wanting to do in our lives right now because our eyes are fixated on the past. Because of discouragement, our flesh begins to work to try and “help God” make the promises from the Lord come to pass. This, in turn, causes feelings of weariness and remaining unsettled. In this episode, Peter walks us through the story of Isaac becoming settled in the land God has given him by digging the wells of his father, Abraham. When we turn from looking at ourselves and towards the finished work of Jesus, wells of the Spirit that have been blocked by our flesh, begin to spring up and in turn deepen our relationship with God.

We have several resources you can check out that are all designed to help you walk in intimacy with God and to grow up into Christlikeness. You can check them out this link . We love you and bless you to love like Jesus today. Be brave!

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When You Don't Feel the Love of God

February 9, 2022

So many Christians are experiencing burnout, anxiety, and hearts that feel numb towards others and towards God. This all stems from not receiving God’s extravagant love towards us. In this episode Peter shares how everything you need flows from the love of God through His work on the cross. Once you receive this extravagant, unending love, there's no way to remain the same! We bless you to receive God’s extravagant love as you listen!

We are passionate about providing powerful, gospel-centered content that will set you free, keep you free and deepen your connection with God. If you’ve been blessed by the podcast, it would help us out A TON if you would subscribe to the podcast and then leave us a review. Right now we are reaching over 36 nations and 610 cities around the world. It has never been easier to share the gospel. With a few clicks you can literally help us reach more and more believers with this good news. Thanks for listening guys, be brave!

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Here’s What Will Matter On That Day

February 2, 2022

If you are lacking purpose and are experiencing complacency in your faith, it’s because you have taken your eyes off of Jesus and lost sight of what you’re running towards. In this episode, Peter gives a message at the UPPEROOM Maranatha conference about what will matter on the day of Jesus’ return; and how “The Faith'' ignites a passion and purpose in our hearts that will sustain us until that day.

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The Danger of A Small Gospel (w/ Vik Fomenko)

January 26, 2022

A lot of believers feel stuck in the relationship with God and are not experiencing the growth and transformation that the Gospel offers. This is a direct result of believing a “small Gospel”. In this episode, Peter Louis and Vik Fomenko unpack how a right view of the Gospel produces a transformational, overcoming, unwavering faith.

To dive deeper into the truth of the Gospel and its transformational power check out Peter’s book “Back To The Gospel”

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