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The Garden Part 2

February 13, 2019

And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed” (Genesis 2:25). Before the fall, there wasn’t any shame between God and man. The passivity of Adam with the word of God led to Eve’s deception. After being deceived by the serpent to partake of the fruit, their eyes were opened to their own nakedness which brought shame which cause them to be afraid of God.“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings” (Genesis 3:7).

In this podcast, Peter takes us into an in depth journey of the fall to show us how and what man fell from in hopes to see what we have been restored back into through Jesus

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The Garden

February 5, 2019

For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust” (2 Peter 1:4). Here are the three main promises that we are going to look at together: The promise of the Messiah (salvation), The baptism of the Holy Spirit (power), and the return of Jesus. Faith in each of these promises (the works of Jesus) will allow us to fully experience all that God has for us.

In this podcast, Peter starts to give us context on which each of these three promises come; by starting in The Garden.

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Personal Message from Peter Louis

January 22, 2019

In this podcast, Peter talks about the new website and the vision of the ministry. Braveheart Ministries exists to see believers experience and enjoy the freedom that the Gospel promises through Jesus Christ. Whether you have been a Christian your entire life or you are new to the faith, our ministry exists to give you hope, strengthen your faith and deepen your love relationship with the Lord. Many believers struggle with their identity in Christ, never sure if they are “doing enough” and uncertain as to where they stand with the Father.

This uncertainty can produce feelings of fear, believing that our shortcomings are distancing us from God’s pleasure and affection. It can also cause us to become overactive where we try to make up through religious activities where we feel we are falling short. In either case, the result is weariness and a heart that becomes numb to God and his great love. Our ministry is committed to providing you with resources that renew your mind, strengthen your faith and establish you in the New Covenant that is in the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

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Authority to Forgive

January 15, 2019

When Jesus rose from the dead he appeared to his disciples and he breathed on them saying, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld." (John 20:22-23) In giving them the Holy Spirit he also gave them the authority to forgive or withhold sins. Many people are confused by this verse because we have equated being born again with having our sins forgiven. But forgiveness of sins existed in the Old Covenant through the sacrificial system where the blood of bulls and goats would temporarily cleanse the conscience of the worshipper. Then when the Old Covenant was coming to an end, John the Baptist came preaching a message of repentance and offered the people forgiveness of sins through water baptism.

Though Jesus said there was no man born of a woman that was greater than John the Baptist, yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John (Matthew 11:11)...but how? It is because the one who has been born into the kingdom of heaven has been filled with the Holy Spirit and given the authority to forgive or withhold sins. In this podcast, Peter explains this great responsibility and how it is not to be confused with the power to get people "born again" but is an integral part of our ministry in reconciling the world back to the Father.

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January 8, 2019

Walking by the spirit produces the fruit of the Spirit in the life of the believer. The Good News is that God has made a way for us to be born again, partakers of the divine nature and to enjoy the flow of God's Spirit which enables us to bear fruit effortlessly as we abide in the vine. In this podcast, Peter gives practical wisdom on how believers can walk in the Spirit, partnering with God's beautiful design to walk in the victory and freedom that the Gospel promises.

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The Power to Endure

January 1, 2019

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit has often been a source of division in the Body of Christ over the years...some saying the primary purpose is to speak in tongues, others say you get all of the Holy Spirit the moment you are born again. But what did Jesus say would be the mark of the one who was baptized in the Holy Spirit? In his own words, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you..." (Acts 1:8). In this podcast, Peter unpacks what that power actually looks like and how you can experience it for yourself.

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The Temple of the Holy Spirit

December 25, 2018

There is scarcely a more holy thought than the fact that a born again believers becomes the living, breathing temple of God on the earth. Paul writes to the Corinthian church, "Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price." In this podcast, Peter encourages us to rely upon God's power and to put no confidence in the flesh. If you are struggling in your faith then it might be you are still relying upon your own strength instead of the power that God offers through the Holy Spirit.

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December 18, 2018

When Moses sent spies into the Promised Land he was looking for a report on whether or not the land was really as good and habitable as they had hoped. There were twelve men that journeyed to spy out the land and though they all saw the same thing, only two filtered what they saw through the eyes of faith. The other ten spies, though they too had experienced God's saving power as they came of Egypt, forgot their history with God and the result was catastrophic. In this podcast, Peter encourages us to remember our history with God in light of what we are facing. Though your circumstances may be difficult and trying, when you learn to filter it through the eyes of faith, your giants will become your bread.

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The Cross

December 11, 2018

Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, "For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." This is still true today! We live in a day where people are looking for the next quick fix, the solution to their restlessness or the next diet fad to give them lasting health. It offends our minds to think that the truth revealed through Jesus' death on the cross still has power to bring life, healing and salvation to us today. It seems too easy. We don't like things that only require faith because then our flesh has nothing to boast in. We are more comfortable with God AND instead of CHRIST ALONE. In this podcast, Peter shares the message of the cross and four practical ways you can engage and experience its saving power.

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Bread of Life Part 2

December 4, 2018

In ancient days, bread was a staple food and the cornerstone in the diet of most people. In John 6, Jesus begins to teach his followers that in the same way bread nourishes and strengthens our physical bodies, so too would his body and blood strengthen and nourish our spiritual lives. Though the hearers at the time could not understand the teaching (because his body had not yet been broken and his blood was not yet shed) and they rejected it, today we can gain great insight into possessing a truly abundant life as we learn to eat from the Bread of Life Himself. In this podcast, Peter is teaching his students at CFNI practically how we eat the Bread of Life and thus satisfy our deep spiritual hunger for fellowship and connection with the Lord.

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Bread of Life Part 1

November 27, 2018

In ancient days, bread was a staple food and the cornerstone in the diet of most people. In John 6, Jesus begins to teach his followers that in the same way bread nourishes and strengthens our physical bodies, so too would his body and blood strengthen and nourish our spiritual lives. Though the hearers at the time could not understand the teaching (because his body had not yet been broken and his blood was not yet shed) and they rejected it, today we can gain great insight into possessing a truly abundant life as we learn to eat from the Bread of Life Himself. In this podcast, Peter is teaching his students at CFNI practically how we eat the Bread of Life and thus satisfy our deep spiritual hunger for fellowship and connection with the Lord.

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Framing The Gospel Part II

November 20, 2018

In the same way builders take great care in laying a solid foundation and a square, well built frame to a home...we as believers need to take care as we build our thoughts and beliefs about what God is really like. AW Tozer said the most important thing about a man is what he thinks about God. In this podcast, Peter helps us to see that the Gospel is more than a message but a perspective or a frame through which we build our life around. If the frame is fractured or insecure then the other components to our life will most certainly be affected as well. Be encouraged to examine the frame of your spiritual life and build your life upon the Rock, the love and finished work of Jesus Christ.

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Framing The Gospel

November 14, 2018

In the same way builders take great care in laying a solid foundation and a square, well built frame to a home...we as believers need to take care as we build our thoughts and beliefs about what God is really like. AW Tozer said the most important thing about a man is what he thinks about God. In this podcast, Peter helps us to see that the Gospel is more than a message but a perspective or a frame through which we build our life around. If the frame is fractured or insecure then the other components to our life will most certainly be affected as well. Be encouraged to examine the frame of your spiritual life and build your life upon the Rock, the love and finished work of Jesus Christ.

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The Power Of Design

November 7, 2018

Everything that God has created fulfills its purpose based on the design that God gave it. An apple tree produces apples not because it wants to or because it tries hard, but because that is how God made it. In the realm of design, the only thing necessary for the power of God's design to work properly is nourishment. A small acorn will become a mighty oak tree if it is nourished properly and according to God's design. The Christian life is no different. When we understand the power of God's design, that we have become partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) then the only thing we need to grow up into all that God has for us is the appropriate "nourishment". But how has God designed us to be nourished? In this podcast Peter unpacks the power of God's design and the various ways we are nourished and strengthened to mature into all that God has created us for.

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