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Back to the Garden

October 30, 2018

We all know that Adam and Eve really screwed up in the garden of Eden. They blew it and we all have been experiencing the consequences ever since. Many of us know that at some level, Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered into the picture and chaos, death and destruction has ensued ever since. But on closer inspection of this familiar story we find a sequence of events that illuminates the domino effect that sin had on humanity and helps us understand how mankind, who once enjoyed perfect fellowship with his Creator, was blinded to the beauty of God and thus hid in shame. In this podcast, Peter unpacks this familiar story and helps us understand what actually happened in the garden and how mankind has been hiding from God ever since.

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Gospel Economics

October 23, 2018

Though most of us acknowledge that humanity is precious in God's sight, few of us have learned to truly adopt the value system God has given us through the Gospel. The value of something is determined by what someone is willing to pay for that thing. When we understand that God has placed the highest value on humanity by giving His Son Jesus on our behalf we are given the opportunity to value and love people just as He does. In the same way we do not dock the value of a $20 bill because someone spends it poorly, so too must we learn to value those around us not according to how they "transact" with us, but according to the life of Jesus Christ. In this podcast, Peter describes what he calls Gospel Economics and encourages us to value people based on what Christ has done and not according to the works of the flesh.

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Confidence in Covenant - Peter K. Louis at Upper Room Dallas

March 12, 2018

Covenant is God's word for relationship. It is where two people give themselves to each other, fully without holding anything back. It is a binding relationship that can only be separated through death. The power of the Gospel is that God, because of his great mercy and love, revealed his desire to make a covenant with all of humanity. Though he didn't propose to us with a diamond ring, he did indeed humble himself and invite us into this covenant (the New Covenant) by sending Jesus, his only son, to die on a cross, be raised on the third day and ascend back into heaven with the keys of Death and Hades. In this podcast, Peter highlights the importance of the New Covenant and how God intends for us to be confident in our relationship with him because of what He has done.

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The Baptism of The Holy Spirit

February 26, 2018

In this sermon, Peter addresses some misconceptions about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and gives some practical explanation for this wonderful promise of our Father and how it impacts our lives today. Many people in the past have made the baptism of the Holy Spirit about the gift of speaking in tongues, others have ignored the topic altogether...but in this sermon, Peter highlights the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how it is the climax of Jesus' redemptive work which will most definitely produce a Christian life marked by....power. Power to praise God, power to overcome sin and temptation and power to be a witness to the world around us.

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Apollo's Gospel - Peter K. Louis - Part 2

February 20, 2018

In this podcast Peter discusses the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how it is central to the Gospel. You can find more information and other resources on

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Sermon of the Month - "Fan into Flame"

February 14, 2018

Listen to the sermon of the month where Peter shares on how to live free from OFFENSE and COMPROMISE which are two of the biggest hinderances to a life of power, love and self-control.

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Apollo's Gospel - Peter K. Louis - Part 1

February 6, 2018

In this podcast Peter discusses the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and how it is central to the Gospel. You can find more information and other resources on

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Productivity or Fruitfulness?

January 3, 2018

Discover God’s design and how to bear Christ-like fruit effortlessly.

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Hope Unlimited Church: The Discipleship of Jesus

December 18, 2017

God desires for each and every one of our lives to manifest the mature life of Christ. Support the show



The Mystery of the Gospel: Is it Possible to Live Free from Sin?

December 12, 2017

God has destined us for joy, freedom and good works in Christ. In this episode Peter discusses the design of God and how we as believers can partner with him to experience the fullness of the Gospel.Support the show



The Mystery of the Gospel: Our Jewish History (Law vs. Grace)

December 4, 2017

Understanding the beauty of the Old Covenant will enable us to experience the power of the New Covenant. Support the show



The Mystery of the Gospel: A Pastoral Word

November 27, 2017

A series of exhortations on relationships, resting in the Lord and receiving favor and blessing from God.

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The Mystery of the Gospel: Removing the Effects of Sin [Part 4]

November 15, 2017

Listen in to the UR Dallas Residency class as Peter talks about the mystery of the Gospel and how Jesus removes the effects of sin in our lives. Support the show



The Mystery of the Gospel: A Triune Salvation

November 5, 2017

Listen in to the UR Dallas Residency class as Peter unpacks the triune nature of our salvation. We are saved, we are being saved and we will be saved!Support the show



The Mystery of the Gospel: Part Two

October 28, 2017

Part two of last weeks teaching on Ephesians 1:7-10. Get connected to God's heart as Peter unpacks the WHY of the Gospel.Support the show