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Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Archive)

March 31, 2021



Sexual Immorality in the Church

March 23, 2021



Together is Better!

March 17, 2021

Peter speaks at Upperroom Dallas about how unity in the body of Christ is better! Together is better!

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Knock Knock*** How to Respond to the Enemy's Voice

March 10, 2021

What do you do when the enemy comes knocking on your door? Do you answer it? Do you rebuke him? Peter shares some powerful insights out of a story found in Isaiah 36 on what to do when the enemy attacks with accusation, fear and lies. This podcast will strengthen you and empower you to stand firm in the day of trouble.

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The Unseen Story with Adam Fish

March 2, 2021

Peter sits down with his good friend, neighbor and founder of The Unseen Story, Adam Fish to discuss the power of feasting on testimonies. Adam shares a powerful personal testimony and gives insight into why focusing on God stories can strengthen us spiritually.

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Without This, You Don't Belong to God

February 24, 2021

Without This, You Don't Belong to God

God disciplines those he loves. If we are without the discipline of our Father, the Scriptures say we are illegitimate children. Sometimes the love of God is painful. Don't despise those times in your life where you are in difficult or painful situations. Remember that Jesus endured such great hostility from sinners and it was the joy set before him that allowed him to endure! Instead of trying to "flex" your way through the discipline, submit to God and trust the process.

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Made For Love (CFNI Lecture 3)

February 17, 2021

In this podcast, Peter finishes his series on ABIDING by diving into 1 John 4. We love because he first loved us. Walking in love is the key to abiding in Christ.

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The work of God vs. the work of man (CFNI Lecture 2)

February 10, 2021

In this podcast Peter dives into John 6 and explores what it really means to abide in Him. What did Jesus mean when he said that the bread that he would give for the life of the world would be his flesh? How do we practically receive this meal? The quality of our spiritual life hinges on our ability to receive this meal.

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The Christian Life Hangs on this Five-Letter Word (CFNI Lecture Day 1)

February 3, 2021

In this podcast, Peter talks about one five-letter word that determines the quality of our Christian life. ABIDE. From knowing the truth, experiencing freedom, bearing fruit, and being confident at the Lord's return, Peter shows us that abiding is more than just a fancy spiritual word.

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What About Sin?

January 26, 2021

Peter sits down with Mr. Sanate himself, Alzavian Jones to speak about sin. What is sin? How do we identify it? How can we overcome it and live a life of righteousness, peace, and joy?

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An Ordinary Move of God

January 19, 2021

Braveheart Ministries is witnessing an ordinary move of God begin to take place. In this podcast, Peter sits down with his friends from Cincinnati, Ohio to discuss what God has done over the last year. Through humility, simple obedience and the power of the gospel, God is moving through ordinary people in an extraordinary way.

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A New Sound with Chris Klimis

January 12, 2021

"Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he was known to them in the breaking of the bread." --Luke 24:35

Peter sits down with his good friend Chris Klimis to discuss a "new sound" through which Jesus is being revealed to the Church. On the road to Emmaus two disciples were walking with Jesus and yet they didn't know it. It was only until Jesus broke the bread that he was revealed to them. The sound of the breaking of bread represents the intimacy of the new covenant...with God and one another.

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The Joy Killer

January 5, 2021

Joy is underrated. Most of us think that joy is sort of like the cherry on top of a decadent ice cream sundae that we could do without if needed. It is treated as a luxury instead of a necessity. And the result of this lack of value that we place on joy is many of us living in depression and apathy. Depression is running rampant. Joyless Christianity is not Christianity. Christianity without joy becomes some vacant moral code of excellence that people must strive to achieve in order to receive some token of God's love and blessing. It is anathema to the gospel. It is contrary to life in the New Covenant. But for many, it has become normal. Marching through life with no smile. No warmth of affection or care for fellow man. This doesn't have to be the case.

So if we are not experiencing this joy, what is the problem? Who or what is stealing our joy? If those things should be producing joy in our lives, and they are not, what's wrong? Something must be taking our attention away from all of this glory! What is that something...? I believe that "something" is what the Scriptures call a "sin conscience". A conscience that is defiled by sin is a conscience that is more aware of its own weakness, sin and failure than it is the cleansing power of the blood of Jesus. Our consciousness of God and his abiding presence is directly affected by the cleanness of our conscience. Our conscience is not the Holy Spirit, but I do believe our conscience can perceive the Holy Spirit. And the quickest way to deaden our senses to God's spirit and his presence is to allow our conscience to be dominated by an awareness of sin. This awareness of sin is not the same as an acknowledgement and confession of sins.

Hebrews 10:1-4
"For since the law has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered each year, make perfect those who draw near. Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have any consciousness of sins? But in these sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins."

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Jesus Hiding in Plain Sight

December 29, 2020

How did God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, walk the earth for so many years but was not recognized by most? What is it about God that he can hide in plain sight? He came to his own, but his own did not recognize him.

9 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. (John 1:9-10)

It was people's perceptions about how the Messiah would come that blinded them to his manifest presence. Can you imagine, prior to Jesus' ministry, how many ordinary and mundane interactions Jesus must have had with people? How many times did people dismiss him, ignore him, insult him or even joke with him. The breath they used to speak to him was given by him and they knew it not! Jesus' ways are so contrary to our ways. His humility offends us at best and keeps us blind to his nearness at worst.

What if Jesus was hiding in plain sight? What if he was not far from you? What if you could discern his presence even now?

If you do not now see, experience and enjoy Jesus...then you should look differently! It can be hard to find Jesus in all the cultural hiding places. In the foggy mirrors of politics, religion and pain. But the good news is that Christ has been revealed to us. And in this revealing of Christ, we are forced to think differently about God. We are forced to open our minds and expand our hearts to believe that there is a good God who is for us and not against us. That there is a kind and loving Father that longs for us his children to know him intimately.

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