We’re building the Church by building people.
our mission
We are on a holy mission to see the character, nature and image of Jesus formed in people. It’s why our video series and podcast are free to all. And people like you, Our Friends of Braveheart, make the free price tag possible.
Preparing Jesus’ Bride for his return is our heartbeat. To that end, we partner with individuals, churches and missionaries across the world, supporting them with our resources, always for free.
Braveheart events are about experiencing the gospel... together. We link up with local church events, host discipleship Fellowships and our annual Braveheart Summit.
Each of our video series requires preparation, production, editing and distribution. Your gifts mean new series that are produced with excellence.
Our podcast averages 9,000 listeners per episode. Since faith comes through HEARING the word, giving to our podcast means faith is building in hearts across the globe.
Your gifts are awakening hearts to the power, peace and purity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Friends of Braveheart Receive:
Insider updates, prayer needs and vision casting
Monthly encouragement videos from our founder, Peter Louis
Monthly devotionals from Kristi Louis and the Braveheart team
Friends of Braveheart events and discipleship groups
Production, Marketing and Translation of New Courses
Missionary support for In-Person Discipleship
Gospel Experience Events across the U.S
Goal: $250,000
We’re grateful for
your giving!
For more information on other ways to give & our 2025 budget email:
Current Total Members
Nov 2024
Cost Per
Pay it Forward
Help us keep our resources free! Your gift sows directly into the growth of your neighbor: the next podcast listener, the newest person who joins a series, the lost brought home through a Braveheart event.
We’re grateful for your giving! Our General Fund fuels ministry needs and new initiatives in order of priority.